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News from Law firm CERF

Residence permits: malfunctions in making appointments on the prefecture's website

Published by Mr. CERF, member of the Bar, on 26/04/2022

Residence permits: how to remedy administrative malfunctions of the prefectures

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A reopening of the borders : the list gets longer

Published by Mr. CERF, member of the Bar, on 17/06/2021

A reopening of the borders : the list gets longer

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Housing tax (taxe d'habitation) and payment

Published by Mr. CERF, member of the Bar, on 11/12/2020

Housing tax and reference tax income

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Confinement and fundamental rights

Published by Mr. CERF, member of the Bar, on 14/05/2020

The Human Rights Institutes, the Paris Bar Association and European Lawyers (IDHBP and IDHAE) to inform citizens about the importance of their most supreme rights through a Report. Also to question the compatibility of the infringement of these rights with France's obligations under its Constitution and the principle of proportionality in international law, which limit and control the power of States.

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Published by Mr. CERF, member of the Bar, on 26/03/2020

INFORMATION ON PANDEMIC The permits to stay are extended within the limit of 180 days. The Schengen borders remain closed until further notice.

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Small revolution in the divorce by mutual consent in France

Published by Mr. CERF, member of the Bar, on 30/11/2016

The spouses wishing to divorce by mutual agreement will not inevitably pass in front of the family court anymore.

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In Belleville

Published by Mr. CERF, member of the Bar, on 09/09/2014

Defending victims of rapes and sexual assaults with violence

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Safe Countries of Origin

Published by Mr. CERF, member of the Bar, on 26/06/2014

Safe Countries of Origin

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