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Immigration law


Our Office has gained significant experience over the years in immigration law and assists you to:

  • Request for a visa
  • Ask for a permit to stay (employee, trader, profession in liberal, competences and talents, artist, private and family life, exceptional admission, visitor, European blue card ...)
  • Ask for an authorization to work
  • Ask for family reunification
  • Renew your permit to stay
  • Ask for a change of status
  • Marry or Pacs with a French or a European Union citizen
  • Be informed of the consequences of a separation or divorce on the validity of your permit to stay
  • Ask for the transcription of a foreign act


In case the administration rejects your request to stay in France and ask you to leave the French territory “obligations de quitter le territoire (OQTF)”, our Office brings your case and defends you before the administrative courts.

In case you are sent to an administrative retention centre “rétention administrative”, or maintained in a waiting zone “zone d'attente”, our Office defends you before the Judge for liberties and freedom “juge des libertés et de la détention”.

Many of our clients are granted with permits to stay after we win their cases before the court although they were subjected to deportation orders called “arrêté de reconduite à la frontière (APRF)” or “obligations de quitter le territoire (OQTF)”.


The French nationality can be acquired by blood - if one parent is French, or by jus soli - if you were born in France, without automaticity.

Our Office assists you to request for the French nationality, by filiation or by naturalization.

In case you are rejected, we assist and represent you before the courts.